Service Members/Veterans

Provided below is information about resources, programs and supports for service members, veterans and their families. Enter your town or zip code into the 'My Location' field to narrow down community based programs that may be available to you within each off the categories described below. To learn more about the various Veteran-specific programs, scroll to the bottom of the page to review related short, topic-specific eLibrary papers.


Housing for Veterans

Click below to find a comprehensive directory of housing resources for Connecticut Veterans, Active Duty, National Guard and Reserves.

Housing for Veterans

Rental Assistance

Enter your zip code to the 'My Location' field above to filter the resources in this section that may help you locate programs that may be able to offset the cost of rent

Town assistance for residents of Stonington who need help paying for medical, prescription, rent payment and transportation assistance. There is an application process and all requests are reviewed by the Social Service committee. The applicant must be a resident of the town of Stonington.

Eligibility: Residents of Stonington only
Hours: M-F: 8:30am-4pm; Or by appointment

Provides rental assistance for residents of Groton when funds are available. See eligibility details for further information and screening guidelines. After the full assessment is done and a resident is deemed eligible, program can only provide financial assistance one time in a twelve month period. If the resident has been helped with energy assistance (through the town) in that same twelve months, they are not eligible again for rental or energy assistance until after 12 months have passed. In most cases, the financial assistance only covers a portion of the rent.

Eligibility: Rental assistance to Groton residents who meet income eligibility; To be considered an eligible resident, applicant must have a lease from where they rent and are required to bring it to the appointment; Applicant cannot be renting month to month, live in a rooming house or be renting a room at a motel; Must be current on their rent and cannot owe back rent; Must provide proof of income, proof for the previous 4 weeks, for all those employed in the household; Based on household income and number of persons in the home, income eligibility is determined using 175% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines
Hours: M-F: 8:30am-4:30pm

Provides assistance for arrearages for rental and mortgage payments. Also provides assistance for clients' basic needs, including food, transportation, car repairs, and other emergency needs.

Eligibility: Families with incomes at or below 300% of the Federal Poverty Level (FPL) and economically impacted by the COVID-19 Pandemic
Hours: All TVCCA offices are open to the public. Appointments are available in-person or via telephone. Call TVCCA main numbers (860-889-1365 - Norwich or 860-444-0006 - New London) to speak with a staff member. M-F: 8am-4pm

Provides rental assistance for Norwich residents when funds are available.

Eligibility: Resident of Norwich; Income guidelines
Hours: M-F: 8:30am-4:30pm; By appointment only; Closed daily for lunch 12-1pm; Closed Thursday for Staff Meetings 9-11am
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Emergency Housing and Shelter

Enter your zip code to the 'My Location' field above to filter the resources in this section that may assist if you're in a housing crisis situation. If you are facing a domestic violence situation, you can reach out to the Safe Connect Domestic Violence Hotline by dialing: 888-774-2900. The domestic violence hotline is available 24/7 and will connect you with a domestic violence counselor.

Drop in center provides a warm place for homeless people to visit during the day. Offers a medical/nursing room for doctor's visits and visiting nurse's care; and a communication center, where guests may receive mail, make phone calls and use computers. Homeless advocates also help homeless individuals access basic services.

Eligibility: Homeless individuals
Hours: M-Sun: 8:30am-4:30pm

Drop in center provides a warm place for homeless people to visit during the day. Offers a medical/nursing room for doctor's visits and visiting nurse's care; and a communication center, where guests may receive mail, make phone calls and use computers. Homeless advocates also help homeless individuals access basic services.

Eligibility: Homeless individuals
Hours: M-Sun: 8:30am-4:30pm

Provides year round services for homeless individuals in the Norwich area during the week, Monday through Friday, 7am-4pm and Saturday, 6:30am-3pm. Services include food, access to showers, laundry facilities, seasonal clothing, and access to wireless internet.

Eligibility: Homeless individuals needing assistance with food, access to showers, laundry facilities, seasonal clothing, and access to wireless internet, to name a few services
Hours: M-F: 8am-4pm; Sat: 8am-3pm

Short term, emergency assistance is available for Manchester and Bolton families in crisis, after they have met with MACC's Community Outreach Manager. All requests are subject to availability of funds and eligibility requirements. Weekly showers and laundry available to unsheltered Manchester residents. Men's showers are available every Wednesday: 10am-12:30pm and women's showers are available every Thursday: 10am-12:30pm. Showers are limited to 15 minutes and available on a first-come, first-serve basis. Towels, soap, shampoo, shaving products provided. Last shower of the day is at 12:15pm. Laundry is by appointment only. Laundry is limited to 1 load per appointment. Laundry detergent will be provided.

Eligibility: Resident of Manchester or Bolton
Hours: M-Th: 9am-5pm; F: 9am-2pm
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Affordable Housing

Enter your zip code to the 'My Location' field above to filter the resources in this section that can help you locate housing that meets your needs

Offers information packets with information on military bases around the world. Also offers hospitality kits and relocation counseling and assistance.

Eligibility: Active duty military, their dependents and retirees in need of relocation assistance
Hours: M-F: 7:30am-4pm

Provides short-term, specialized intensive case management services to people living with AIDS/HIV who have an unstable housing history. Housing Support Specialist assists clients in maintaining safe, affordable housing while working in conjunction with the client's primary social service provider. Housing Support Specialist also has the ability to serve as a representative payee for clients who are eligible.

Eligibility: Clients must live in Hartford, Tolland or Middlesex Counties; Must have a diagnosis of HIV/AIDS; Must have an income below 300% FPL
Hours: M-F: 8am-4pm

Publishes Looking for HUD-Associated Rental Housing in Connecticut directory which lists all HUD-associated rental housing sites for families, elderly or disabled adults. HUD's website ( can also be searched for current listings of Connecticut-associated properties. To order directory, call (860) 240-4800 (press option 4, then press option 1 to leave a message); Allow at least 7-10 days for delivery.
NOTE: HUD’s “Blue Book” is a listing of HUD-associated rental housing sites in Connecticut. It is NOT a listing of apartment vacancies.

Other Information:

Instructions for accessing the Blue Book on HUD's website:

1) Click on web address listed in Website field below.

2) This will take you to a page titled, Rental Help: Connecticut.

3) Halfway down the page in the Other Connecticut Resources section, find the first listing titled, HUD-Associated Rental Housing in CT.

4) Click on download an electronic version

5) This will bring up the book, Looking for HUD-Associated Rental Housing in Connecticut for downloading or viewing.

Eligibility: Anyone seeking HUD-Associated Rental Housing
Hours: M-Th: 9am-4pm

2-1-1 maintains the Housing Choice Voucher (a.k.a. Section 8) waiting list notification web site. Public Act 04-258 requires that housing authorities and property owners that accept choice vouchers in Connecticut post a notice on this web site ( at least two weeks before they open a Section 8 waiting list. People with internet access can use this web site to locate open Housing Choice Voucher waiting lists and post notifications when their open waiting lists become available. Also, if you have an email address, you can also register to receive automatic notice of the opening of Section 8 waiting lists whenever they occur.

This service appears in the 2-1-1 database and on the 2-1-1 website. The website has application information only when a Housing Authority is accepting applications, or has established dates for accepting applications, for the Section 8 Choice Voucher Program. A list of all Housing Authorities in Connecticut can be found by searching with the term/service keyword "Housing Authorities."

Eligibility: Must have Internet access to view site; Must have email address to receive automatic Section 8 updates
Hours: M-F: 8am-5pm
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Assistance for Homeowners

Enter your zip code to the 'My Location' field above to filter the resources in this section that may assist you with purchasing your own home, maintaining your own home, and making repairs or modifications to your home.

Agency is a HUD-approved housing counseling agency and is approved to offer the following:
* Foreclosure/Mortgage Delinquency and Loss Mitigation Counseling
* Homebuyer Education Programs
* Home Equity Conversion Counseling or Reverse Mortgage Counseling

Eligibility: Individuals seeking housing counseling
Hours: In person counseling is by appointment; Phone counseling is 24 hr/7 days

HUD-certified, community advocacy and home ownership organization offering the following services to individuals in the state of Connecticut:
* Mortgage Delinquency and Default Resolution Counseling
* Loss Mitigation
* Home Improvement and Rehabilitation Counseling
* Homebuyer Education Programs and Money Debt Management
* Pre purchase Counseling and Education Workshops
* Post purchase Counseling and Workshops
* Predatory Lending Education Workshops

Eligibility: Resident of Connecticut interested in home ownership advocacy
Hours: M-F: 8:30am-5:30pm

Assists first time low income homebuyers. Services include finding assistance for down payment and closing costs, home purchase workshops, financial counseling and home owner workshops.

Eligibility: Individuals in need of housing counseling
Hours: M-F: 8am-4pm

CRT is a HUD-approved housing counseling agency that is approved to offer the following:
* Mortgage Delinquency and Default Resolution Counseling
* Homebuyer Education Programs; Prepurchase and Post purchase Counseling; Money Debt Management

Eligibility: Individuals in need of housing counseling
Hours: M-F: 8am-4pm
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Behavioral Health Services for Veterans

Mental Health and Substance Use Supports

Job Finding Assistance

Veterans are given priority reemployment services by trained staff at American Job Centers (AJCs) across the state. These staff provide specialized support to veterans transitioning to civilian life, helping them explore career opportunities after military service. They assist veterans in matching their unique skills with in-demand jobs offered by Connecticut employers. Additionally, staff collaborate with state employers to identify job openings for veterans and build networks connecting them to potential employers.

Job Finding Assistance

Housing Related Information and Events

Here are some related articles and events to get more information about housing programs and community events.

Additional Resources
